The Garden Bench - An Invitation

The Garden Bench - An Invitation
There is little more welcoming in your garden than some sort of seating that invites your guest to sit down, relax and just enjoy. A simple garden bench or two does exactly that.

You can find garden benches just about anywhere in the spring and summer. Your more expensive benches are usually found in garden specialty shops. If your pocketbook can only afford a less expensive garden bench, check out the discount online store ( for a great selection of quality garden furniture.

Garden benches are available in all sorts of sizes and materials. Wood, metal, vinyl, and concrete are the most popular materials used. If you decide upon a bench made of wood or metal, be aware of the future maintenance involved. Primarily, scraping and painting every year or so. White vinyl benches are a good choice providing you store them out of the weather during the wintertime. While coloured vinyl benches tend to fade when placed in a sunny spot of your garden.

The most carefree garden bench is made of unpainted concrete. Yet, as with everything else that spends the majority of its life in the out of doors, even concrete requires some maintenance. In this case, a quick, annual pressure washing may be in order. Another thing to consider with a garden bench made of concrete is its weight. Depending upon the size you choose, it may not be easy to move. With that thought in mind, consider carefully where you place it in your yard as it's likely to become permanent.

Regardless of the materials you choose, the placement of your garden bench(es) is of some importance. The bench should not only issue an invitation to your guest to rest a while but also offer something to focus one's attention upon.